Returning to myself


What are the workshops -
Empowerment, pleasure, sexuality?

In a series of three workshops, we use mindfulness practices, visualization, practical exercises, and shared experiences to explore the themes of empowerment, pleasure and sexuality. Throughout these sessions, we delve into questions such as:
How can I cultivate safety, presence, and empowerment within my body? What does pleasure mean to me, not only in sexuality but in life more broadly? How can I open myself to experiencing pleasure in new ways? What is sexuality for me and how can I enjoy it, on my own and with another person?

Our perspectives on empowerment, pleasure, and sexuality are often narrowly defined by societal norms, which may not align with our true needs. As my understanding and experience in these areas have expanded, I was able to take a deep breath and allow myself to explore the endless possibilities available to me, simply because I have a body and am alive. Therefore, I offer a supportive space to uncover the still hidden potentials of empowerment, pleasure and sexuality that are available to us, but we don't even know they exist.

Who are the workshops for?

The workshop cycle is for you if:

  • You are a woman.
  • You seek a safe space to talk about doubts, questions and experiences related to sexuality, pleasure and empowerment, and you want more confidence and freedom.
  • You desire to feel more empowered and safer in your body and in life.
  • You wish to explore what pleasure means to you and how there can be much more of it in your life.
  • You desire to open up to the potentials in sexuality.
  • You desire more contact with your body, more acceptance and nurturing.

During the workshops, each participant will have one 30-minute individual call. This session provides a dedicated space to address personal and specific questions that may not be covered in the group setting.

Before the first workshop, I have a short telephone conversation with each participant, which is part of the introductory process and is intended to clarify expectations, goals and any specific details related to participation in the workshop cycle.


Each workshop will focus on a specific topic:

  • At the first session, we will lay the foundations on which we can build and open ourselves to pleasure and sexuality. We will explore what brings a sense of safety, what EMPOWERMENT means, and how to develop it. Opening up and being relaxed in sexuality and pleasure is intrinsically connected to a sense of safety. How can we create an environment, both internally and externally, where we feel safe and confident enough to embrace vulnerability and intimacy?

  • At the second session, we will explore the various TYPES OF PLEASURES, not only in sexuality but also more broadly. How do we recognize them, and how can we develop full presence in our body? The exploration of pleasure is held within a vast landscape where we can learn about what brings us pleasure in the present moment. Can I recognize pleasure as it arises in the moment? Can I open up to it or even create an environment where there will be more opportunities to experience pleasure?

  • At the third session, we will delve into the exploration of SEXUALITY. What is sexuality for me? What aspects of sexuality are important to me? How can I cultivate greater awareness and presence in connection with my body, where I develop a sense of safety and empowerment? How do mindfulness and sexuality intersect? As my mentor and teacher Layla Martin says, sex is an active form of meditation. How often do our thoughts lead us away from the present moment during sex? Into worries, planning, or memories that disconnect us from the present moment where sex and pleasure are alive. Obstacles to experiencing pleasure may include fears, doubts, and distracting thoughts that arise during sex. This exploration isn't only about sexuality with another person, it's equally, if not primarily, about how we experience, perceive, and embody our own sexuality within ourselves. In my mindfulness courses, we first focus on cultivating mindfulness within ourselves. This foundation enables us to more authentically extend it to our relationships with others.

Registration, dates and price

The cycle of workshops takes place in a group of 8 to 12 participants and includes:

  • Discovery telephone call.
  • Participation in three sessions.
  • An individual session (30 minutes) online on Zoom.

The workshops are held for three consecutive weeks (with the possibility of a break), on the same day and at the same time. They last 2 hours and 30 minutes.

I am currently facilitating workshops within the Mindfulness Development Association, in Ljubljana and online. You can find more information about current dates, prices and registration on this link or under the events tab on the association’s website. If you can't find information about the workshops, there are currently no new dates announced.

If you have a formed group of 8 to 12 participants for the workshops, please do get in touch. For preformed groups English language is also available. For any information or questions, I am available here.

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